RYA First Aid March 2025

All safety boat helms / crew / instructors – is your first aid certificate up to date (have you completed an approved course including drowning and cold water shock in the past three years) ? If not you’ll not be permitted behind the wheel of DSC powerboat!
To ensure you are able to participate we’ve arranged another RYA first aid course . . Cost £40. Includes expert tuition and an RYA first aid book, certificate etc. We’ll even supply the tea, coffee and biscuits, but bring your own lunch please.
Course open to any DSC member, adult or 15 year old + Juniors that require the qualification for instructing and or powerboat helm !
A classroom based but very interactive hands on & practical course, rather than death by PowerPoint – there’s obviously an agenda to cover so some PowerPoint content.
1 full day from 9am to 6pm.