Duck Down Divers
BSAC Diving & Snorkelling club @ DSC
Did you know there’s a dedicated scuba diving & snorkelling section at DSC? Well yes there is!
Duck Down Divers are a thriving diving club. We have a particular interest in exploring new shore & deeper water dive sites and many of our members have a keen interest in Seasearch, Marine Biology, Photography and Videography.
You can be assured of first class BSAC accredited training and a very warm welcome to the Duck Down Divers. We are family friendly and have an active social calendar.

Diving information
- Scuba kit for learn to dive trainees to borrow
- Try dives offered to potential interested members
- Club organised diving holidays
- Active diving programme
- Commercial Avon 6 Dive rib
- Compressor & Oxygen for Nitrox blending
Snorkelling information
- BSAC Accredited Snorkelling centre
- Experience snorkelling sessions offered to potential interested members
- Active snorkelling programme
- Shore based training pool and excellent clubhouse facilities