
Names and faces for our committee members can be found here

DSC General Committee

Ross Bennett

Ross Bennett

DSC Get Involved Volunteering logo

Vice Commodore

Hon Secretary
Mark Gough

Hon Sailing Sec
Susie Harris

Hon Treasurer
George Aitken

Training Principal
Lawrence Baalham

Child Protection Officer

Katie Johnston

Hon Membership Secretary

Ian Dancklefsen “Danky”

Duck Down Divers
Davy Bell

Social Committee

Nigel McNeely

Junior Committee

Junior Commodore
Emily Dickson

Junior Vice Commodore

Isobel Nixon

Maintenance Committee (Not the Tufty Club)

This Committee carries out essential day-to-day maintenance on the Clubhouse including putting up shelves, installing insulation, overseeing kitchen hygiene requirements, putting up curtains, painting & varnishing, cutting grass, taking bottles to the bottle bank and much, much more. Without them the Club would not be maintained to its current high standard.

Convenor : Noel Johnston

Any Club member is welcome to come along, as often as you wish, on a Thursday morning in the Clubhouse 10.30-12.30 to help. Do come along for some craic, a chat & a great cup of coffee (and cake).

If you have any queries for the maintenance committee, please get in touch.