Volunteering at DSC

Our club is run by a passionate bunch of members, for our members. Volunteering is an extremely rewarding way to spend some free time , no matter how much or how little.

Motivated and enthusiastic volunteers play a key role in developing and maintaining thriving and successful clubs. Attracting and keeping good volunteers in sufficient numbers for our current and future needs will not happen without forward planning, thinking and a bit of effort.

Members working in the Galley preparing food for an event.

Donaghadee Sailing Club is entering an exciting new phase as we celebrate to 10 year anniversary of the completion of our new state of the art facility built on the site of the original clubhouse. We have an ambitious development plan mapped out for the next 5 years, which will see us increase our membership and core activities and provide a watersports hub for the greater Donaghadee area.

We have created a Volunteer Development Plan, which includes:

  • Where we are today?
  • Where we want to be in the future?
  • How are we going to get there?
  • What do we need in order to get there?
  • How will we track success?

The end result is an agreed plan of action that addresses the key areas of Volunteering Good Practice:

  • Recruitment
  • Retention
  • Reward
  • Recognition

The Volunteer Development Plan will be implemented by a Volunteer Co-ordinator, who will coordinate the agreed actions, keep the plan up to date and communicate success to the club.

Volunteering need not be time consuming or difficult. True, there are specialist training and skills required for some activities, but the vast majority of volunteering interventions are within everyones ability.

Volunteering is rewarding and vital for all club activities

We welcome your unique skill and time