OnBoard – Friday Night Youth Sailing session #3 8.30pm

Welcome Back!
Booking this session requires your child to have been pre registered on the DSC website prior to this event. Unfortunately at this time we cannot accept any further registrations.
This page is for booking the 3rd 8.30pm session for participants.
To comply with Covid protocols all participants must unless already owning one, purchase and wear when required or when requested to, a water resistant ‘Snood’, to be used as a face covering whilst on a sailing dinghy or safety boat with any other person not from their own household, unless medically exempt.
Please arrive at the club dressed & ready to go sailing, as promptly as possible and 15 mins before your session starts to facilitate booking onto our safety system, allocating to a dinghy / helm for the session and changeover from a previous session.
Participants are asked to observe the 1 way system in operation, enter the rear courtyard via the double gates, and register on arrival, and exiting through the club via the front door. Parents may stay and relax in either the bar area, the courtyard, or the promenade to watch the sailing.
Participants will be escorted by a nominated adult across the road to the slipway before the session and back to the rear courtyard afterwards. Participants will be given a temporary armband as a tagging system is in operation, please ensure this is surrendered before leaving the facility.
Parents are asked to observe the covid guidelines, ‘Hands, Face & Space’, social distancing, and occupancy rules within the club facilities. Disposable face masks, and sanitiser are readily available. Please remain seated when in the bar area, wear a mask when transiting to and from the area.
Please note we will not be permitting the use of changing rooms either before or after the session yet, removing the risk of mixing /contact indoors (this is difficult to control within the clubs child protection policy) and eliminates potential issues at this stage. Please come prepared to take a wet child home in the car afterwards.
DSC will endeavour to extend the season / duration of the OnBoard event to accommodate further ‘non DSC member’ participants during a Saturday or Sunday weather & resource permitting, into the month of September.
Bookings either haven't opened yet, or are unfortunately full & have closed for this event.