DSC Town Cup and Ladies Day BBQ

It’s difficult to think that it’s almost the end of the school holidays and the end of August already, and dare we even mention the ‘Summer’ word!
To cheer everyone up a bit after all the miserable wet weather recently, we’re going to have an indoor alternative for our DSC Ladies Day and Town cup race day entertainment!
Back by popular demand, the infamous Mike Donaghy will be signing his heart out – possibly accompanied by Elvis!
Before hand we’ll have a gourmet BBQ prepared for all the sailors and guests (either inside or outside – and no you don’t have to sail to attend the BBQ or evening entertainment).
Sailing will kick off at 11.00am for those wishing to sail, with a series of 3 races. SI & NOR available here. The sailing will be followed by the BBQ about 5pm, and the entertainment after that.
Bookings either haven't opened yet, or are unfortunately full & have closed for this event.