DSC ‘RYA OnBoard’ – Friday Bright Night Sailing Registration 2023

This is only to register your child to participate in the ‘OnBoard’ event happening at DSC throughout the summer months – separate booking will be required for each Friday ‘Onboard’ session.
DSC plans to run the RYA OnBoard / Friday Bright Nights Sailing programme starting on Friday 2nd June, and finishing on the 25th August .
We’re provisionally planning to try and run 3 consecutive sessions on each Friday evening starting at 6.30, 7.30 & 8.30pm, weather and other circumstances permitting. We’d like everyone here in the courtyard to sign in & to get ready 30 mins before the session starts.
There will be a separate online ‘weekly’ booking system in operation as in the past, available on our website every Tuesday evening at 7pm, which will allow parents and guardians to book a sailing session for their child for the Friday evening of that week.
Depending on how many register we may have to limit the session availability for booking each week to ensure everyone gets a go. Safety is always our priority so please don’t turn up without booking expecting to be accommodated if the sessions are already fully booked, it’s not fair on our volunteers or the young people.
We’ll be looking for young people who already have or have achieved during the summer, their RYA Junior L1,2,3 &4 to volunteer to helm.
Our biggest issue is adult helpers – so we’re asking the Mums and Dads to help out for a few evenings throughout the season!
Please register yourself or partner as a willing volunteer to help get this event off the ground. We’ll have all sorts of roles to fill, and we’ll provide training, escort children across the busy, road, help out on a safety boat, check the tally board as the children get on or off the water, flip some sausages or burgers on the bbq, or help put the boats away afterwards.
There will be an opportunity for Adult’s to have a go this season too – either on a larger keel boat or SUP’s – watch out for details.
Registering for Friday nights ‘get onboard’ sailing events requires that you or your child are a member of Donaghadee Sailing Club – the £40 registration fee provides the registered young person with temporary membership of the club for the duration of the scheme. Full Junior, Full Adult or Family Membership may be a better option if you have multiple children to register or wish to become an adult member of the club and use our facilities all year round – please speak to one of our volunteers to find out more.
Participation in the scheme is free to members and or their families.
Please download, print and fill out the following forms and bring along to the Registration evening on Friday 5th May 7.30-9.30pm.
Donaghadee Sailing Club RYA OnBoard 2023 Registration Form & DSC Junior Members Code of Conduct
Bookings either haven't opened yet, or are unfortunately full & have closed for this event.