Autumn/Winter Dinghy Park Fees 2024-2025
If you have or intend to keep a kayak, canoe, dinghy, boat, trailer or another vessel in the DSC dinghy park for all or part of the Autumn & Winter 2024-2025 please make payment for the your boat. Please select the correct category from the list below.
Alternatively card payment can be processed in the club bar.
A sticker will be issued to you by the Sailing Secretary (or their designated representative), for attachment in a prominent position on the transom of the boat once you’ve paid.
Space in the dinghy park is now tight, before putting a boat in the dinghy park please ask permission from a member of the Sailing Committee first. If you have a boat already in the park please ensure it is kept in its allocated space to enable other users to access their boats easily.
Periodic checks are made for boats overstaying their temporary residence without authorisation – we understand that during an event a day or two here and there is often necessary.
All boats stored in the dinghy park must be insured.
Please select the appropriate category for payment below, depending on the size of boat you have!
Prices are:
Boats/Trailers up to 14ft | £39 |
Boats/Trailers up to 21ft | £50 |
Boats/Trailers over 21ft and Catamarans | £61 |
Canoes or Windsurfers | £17 |
Any boat found to be consistently breaking the rules will be removed from the dinghy park and only returned when the owner has paid the due fees.
Thanks for your cooperation – DSC General Committee & Sailing Committee.