RYA Pathway Race Coaching

Sitting hand in hand with Club Racing – learn the skills you need to make the right decisions on the water.

A comprehensive race coaching programme runs throughout the year, delivered by our RYA qualified coaches covering the content of the syllabus of RYA Racing and Intermediate Racing.

Available to Members only

Arm yourself with the skills – what side of the beat is best? Is my rig setup good? What is a wind shift? Which end of the line is bias? What are the rules?

These sessions are for people who are regularly competing in both Club racing and other events away from DSC. Training is open to Club Members only and while the Club has some boats available, it is envisaged that participants should strive to have their own boats in order to maximise the benefit.

Run by a Race coach, Toppers only. 1 per boat

The Club will support the development of sailors within the Club via coaching, encouragement and advice, so they can participate and gain experience of attending events and open events outside the club and competing at the RYA Zone Championships each September. Keen sailors will be given the opportunity of selection for the RYA squads and benefit from an intensive coaching programme.

While the training is delivered by the Club Coaches, attending events cannot take place without parental involvement. Experience over the years has shown us that the Champion Club experience for both parents and sailors is very sociable and fun and gives the chance to travel to some great places and events and spend time with like-minded families enjoying an active sport.

The training is weather dependant, but we will do our best to maximise the time on the water, combining it with a certain amount of theory that accompanies all courses.

For all under 18s,  a Parent/Guardian shall complete an indemnity form on the first morning of the course before participation in the course.

Important Notes

Before attending any of our courses, please read our Training Course Essential Information guide

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